I have been busy recently hence the lack of posts, but in my free time I have been reading/have now finished Willy Voet's Breaking The Chain.

His short book focuses on his arrest and the events which lead to his arrest as-well as some insight into the world of doping in cycling and the whole Festina Doping Scandal, all from his point of view.
While reading you can fully connect with Voet and you start to understand why he would do what he did, Voet worked hard to reach the top, and when reaching it he had to risk his own and others careers by helping with transportation of drugs, the distribution and then application of these drugs on the teams cyclists.
You can't help but feel for Voet as you read about his rising through the ranks from a nobody to one of the biggest Soigneurs in cycling. He talks of techniques used to dope, famous cyclists who have doped and how they did it, the drugs used and what they do individually, Voet gives you all the information you need to learn about doping whilst also mentioning those who were against doping and the ways doping was tested for.
Voet's book is an honest and accurate insight into the world of doping, his first hand experiences and the way they are written really gives you a sense of how much work goes into doping, from transportation late at night, the application of drugs and the methods he used, the countless hours spent on the road, the planning of when to use the drugs so they wouldn't show up when tested for, personal issues in his life and the close calls and stories he had heard which should have stopped him in his tracks.
I'll stop there because I have already written too much and have already deleted 2 paragraphs.... I don't want to ruin it or tell you things in my own opinion as i don't want to sway yours. Just go and buy this book, you can probably find a copy cheap on Ebay.
Its definitely an eye opener, leading me to start reading David Walsh's Seven Deadly Sins.
I'll also write something up about that when I finish.

I missed Milano-SanRemo on Sunday due to spending time with my family so I cant really talk about that other than I was disappointed to hear Cavendish did not win.
However a big well done to Ben Swift on his 3rd place in his first Milano-SanRemo.
More soon,